Birds of prey full tv series torrents
Birds of prey full tv series torrents

can we assume Ollie's still shipwrecked on a island with pirates? As for Batman and Catwoman having a daughter - it began in The Flash #123 (1961), with the Golden-Age Bat-Man and Catwoman getting married in Brave and the Bold #197 (1983), and Helena Wayne becoming the Huntress in All-Star Comics #69 (1977). Why the Clocktower? What was wrong with putting Barbara in the Wayne Foundation Penthouse/Batcave? And with such a young Black Canary. Batman's been known to just vanish from time to time (usually leaving Robin in charge). As for Batman being missing? Not the first time.

birds of prey full tv series torrents

I think it's fantastic to have the original Huntress back! This is great!! I've missed her. In my opinion, it's a fun show that deserves a chance to come out from under the shadow of its comic book origins. "Birds of Prey" is best enjoyed when judged on its own merits. While the critics are marking off their checklists and tabulating how well BoP adheres to its "source material", they're missing out on a fun show peopled with some quirky and interesting characters (The Huntress holds the singular honor of being TV's first superhero to see a therapist on a regular basis!).

birds of prey full tv series torrents

To attempt to satisfy the whims of each individual fan is to ask for trouble. There are some people who want to see this version and some who want to see this era and if the writers mix them up then all hell breaks loose in Comix Fandom. There are so many different versions of Batman and Superman and different eras that trying to please each and every comic fan out there is a nightmare and an impossible task for a screenwriter. This is to say nothing of the pre- and post-"Crisis" versions of each of these characters. At last count, Superman has over EIGHT different continuities (radio show, TV shows, and countless cartoon incarnations - in addition to the comics). If the truth be known, that which constitutes "continuity" is in the eye of the beholder (At last count, there are over five - and counting -different Batman "continuities" ).

birds of prey full tv series torrents

There are those comix purists who will complain that BoP violates "continuity".

Birds of prey full tv series torrents